Form for seeking prior approval under section 2 of the proposals by the State Governments and other authorities
(See rule 4)
1. Project details:
(i) Short narrative of the proposal and project/scheme for which the forestland is required.........
(ii) Map showing the required forest area, boundary of adjoining forest and item-wise break-up of the required forest area for different purposes (to be authenticated by an officer not below the rank of Deputy Conservator of Forests).....
(iii) Total cost of the project.....
(iv) Justification for locating the project in the forest area giving alternatives examined and reasons for their rejection.....
(v) Financial and social benefits.....
(vi) Total population benefited.....
(vii) Employment generated.....
2. Location of the project/scheme: -
(i) State/Union Territory.....
(ii) District.....
(iii) Forest Division, Forest Block, Compartment, etc.....
3. Item-wise break-up of the total land required for the project/scheme along with its existing land use.....
4. Details of forest land involved:
(i) Legal status of the forest (namely, reserve, protected/unclassed, etc.).....
(ii) Details of flora and fauna existing in the area.....
(iii) Density of vegetation.....
(iv) Species-wise and diameter class-wise abstract of tress.....
(v) Vulnerability of the forest area to erosion, whether it forms a part of seriously eroded area or not.....
(vi) Whether it forms a part of national park, wildlife sanctuary, nature reserve, biosphere reserve, etc; and if so, details of the area involved. (Specific comments of the Chief Wildlife Warden to be annexed).....
(vii) Item-wise break-up of the forest land required for the project/scheme for different purposes....
(viii) Rare/endangered species of flora and fauna found in the area....
(ix) Whether it is a habitat for migrating fauna or forms a breeding ground for them....
(x) Any other significance of the area relevant to the proposal.....
5. Details of displacement of people due to the project: -
(i) Total number of families involved in displacement.....
(ii) Number of Schedule Castes/Scheduled Tribes families involved in displacement.....
(iii) Detailed rehabilitation plan.....
6. Details of compensatory a forestation scheme: -
(i) Details of non-forest area/degraded forest area identified for compensatory afforestation, its distance from adjoining forests, number of patches, size of each patch.....
(ii) Map showing non-forest/degraded forest area identified for compensatory afforestation and adjoining forest boundaries.....
(iii) Detailed compensatory afforestation scheme including species to be planted, implementing agency, time schedule, cost structure, etc.....
(iv) Total financial outlays from compensatory afforestation scheme.....
(v) Certificates from competent authority regarding suitability of area identified for compensatory afforestation for afforestation and from management point of view. (To be signed by an officer not below the rank of Deputy Conservator of Forests).....
(vi) Certificate from the Chief Secretary regarding non-availability of the non-forest land for compensatory afforestation (if applicable).....
7. Details regarding Transmission Lines (only for Transmission Line proposals): -
(i) Total length of the Transmission Line.....
(ii) Length passing through forest area.....
(iii) Right of Way.....
(iv) Number of Towers to be erected.....
(v) Number of Towers to be erected in the forest area.....
(vi) Height of Transmission Towers.....
8. Details of Irrigation/Hydel Projects (only for Irrigation/Hydel Projects):
(i) Total catchment area.....
(ii) Total command area.....
(iii) Full Reservoir Level.....
(iv) High Flood Level.....
(v) Minimum Drawal Level.....
(vi) Break-up of area falling in catchment area of the project (forest land, cultivated land, pasture land, human cultivation and others).....
(vii) Area of submergence at High Flood Level.....
(viii) Area of submergence at Full Reservoir Level.....
(ix) Area of submergence 2 meter below Full Reservoir Level.....
(x) Area of submergence at 4 meter below Full Reservoir Level (For medium and major projects only).....
(xi) Area of submergence at Minimum Drawal Level.....
(xii) Details of catchment area treatment plan.....
(xiii) Total financial outlays and details regarding availability of funds for catchment area treatment plan......
9. Details regarding Road/Railway Lines (only for Roads/Railway Lines proposals): -
(i) Length and width of the strip required and forest area required....
(ii) Total length of the road....
(iii) Length of the road already constructed....
(iv) Length of the road passing through the forest....
10. Details regarding Mining proposals (only for mining proposals):
(i) Total mining lease area and forest area required....
(ii) Period of mining lease proposed....
(iii) Estimated reserve of each mineral/ore in the forest area and in the non-forest area....
(iv) Annual estimated production of mineral/ore....
(v) Nature of mining operations (opencast/underground)....
(vi) Phased reclamation plan....
(vii) Gradient of the area where mining would be undertaken....
(viii) Copy of the Lease Deed (to be attached only for renewal purposes)....
(ix) Number of labourers to be employed....
(x) Area of forest land required for
(a) Mining....
(b)Storing mineral/ore....
(c) Dumping of overburden....
(d) Storing tolls and machinery....
(e) Construction of building, power stations, workshops, etc....
(f) Township/housing colony....
(g) Construction of road-ropeway/railway lines....
(h) Full land use plan of forest area required....
(xi) Reasons why any of the activities referred to in (a) to (h) above under the project for which forest land has been asked for cannot be undertaken/located outside forest area....
(xii) The extent of damage likely to be caused and the number of trees affected on account of mining and related activities....
(xiii) Distance of the mining area from perennial water courses, national and State highway, national parks, sanctuaries and biosphere reserves....
(xiv) Procedure for stocking of the top soil for re-use....
(xv) Extent of subsidence expected in underground mining operations and its impact on water, forest and other vegetation....
11. Cost-benefit analysis....
12. Whether clearance from environmental angle is required (Yes/No)....
If, yes, whether, requisite details for the same have been furnished (Yes/No)....
13. Whether any work in violation of the Act has been carried out (Yes/No)....
If yes,
(i) Details of the same including date of commencement....
(ii) Officers responsible for violation of the Act....
(iii) Action taken/being taken against erring officers....
(iv) Whether work in violation of the Act is still in progress....
14. Any other information....
15. Details of Certificates/documents enclosed....
16. Detailed opinion of the Chief Conservator of Forests/Head of the Forest Department concerned covering the following aspects, namely:
(i) Out-turn of timber, fuel wood and other forest produce from the forest land involved;
(ii) Whether the district is self-sufficient in timber and fuel wood;
(iii) The effect of the proposal on:
(a) Fuel wood supply to rural population;
(b) Economy and livelihood of the tribals and backward communities;
(iv) Specific recommendations of the Chief Conservator of Forests/Head of the Forest Department for acceptance or otherwise of the proposal with reasons thereof.
Certified that all other alternatives for the purpose have been explored and the demand for the required area is the minimum demand for forest land.
Signature of the authorised officers of the State Government/ Authority.
N.B.1. While furnishing details of flora and fauna, the species should be described by their scientific names.
N.B.2 If the space provided above is not sufficient to specify any information, please attach separate details/documents.