"RESOLVED THAT subject to the approval of shareholders in a General Meeting, the authorised share capital of the company be increased form Rs. ___________/- (Rupees ____________) divided into _____________ equity shares of Rs.___/- (Rupees _____) each to Rs. _________ (Rupees ___________) divided into ________________ equity shares of Rs.___/- (Rupees ______) each ranking pari passu with the existing equity shares in the Company and that in clause ___ of the Memorandum of Association of the Company for the words and figures
"The Authorised Share Capital of the Company is Rs. __________/- (Rupees _______________) divided into _________ Equity shares of Rs. ___/- (Rupees ___) each."
The following shall be substituted:
"The Authorised Share Capital of the Company is Rs. ____________/- (Rupees _______) divided into ____________________ Equity shares of Rs. ___/- (Rupees _________) each."
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders be convened at the registered office of the Company on __________ the ___ day of ___________, 19___ at ____ A.M./P.M. to consider the proposed increase in the authorised share capital of the Company and Mr. ___________, Director/Secretary of the Company be and is hereby authorised to take further necessary action in this regard."